Shigekix (JAP)

The Osaka native booked his ticket to the Youth Olympic Games by winning the WDSF World Youth Breaking Championship this May in Kawasaki. A member of the K.A.K.B. crew, Shigekix has been strutting his stuff since he was 7 years old. A star clearly on the rise, Shigekix was also the subject of a recent Olympic Channel short.
Bumblebee (RUS)

Bad Matty (ITA)

Bad Matty began dancing five years ago, and claims his charisma is his greatest strength. When he isn’t breaking, the Milanese enjoys watching Mixed Martial Arts.
X-Rain (CHN)

Axel (POL)

Reflow (BEL)

A member of the Mixed Souls crew, Reflow began dancing in 2011. He was inspired by the moves of Michael Jackson and says his love of travel motivates him to be the best breaker he can be. Dedicated, motivated and determined, when Reflow isn’t breaking he can be found pursuing his other hobbies: photography, graphic design and drawing.
D-Matt (CAN)

KennyG (TPE)

Inspired by the movie Step Up 3, KennyG began dancing when he was 13. He says his strength is in his footwork, and he dances because it makes him feel free and energised.
Martin (FRA)

B4 (VIE)

Broly (ARG)

Jordan (RSA)

A member of the Dye-namic/ Kreative Beings crews, the Johannesburg native began dancing in 2013 and is motivated by a desire to grow the B-boy scene in South Africa.